Findings – INTELLEXAE Magazine

Conscious Awakening for Mature and Responsible Adults

BE AFRAID, BE VERY AFRAID – Closing Government to Obstruct Civil Actions

Digest # 2020 0515 1427

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Image source: Cartoon Logic by VampiresDontWearSunscreen, Dec 13, 2018.

Closing Government to Obstruct Civil Actions

An Article 4 Statement

To the Government of the District of Columbia

  • District of Columbia Office of Human Rights, (DC OHR), and

  • Muriel Bowser, Mayor of the District of Columbia

I am again submitting a formal complaint against the District of Columbia Downtown Services Center. I have yet to receive confirmation that this complaint has been received. When there are hindrances to advancing and tending to grievances against government, particularly in times such as these when there is a Coronavirus® Manufactured Pandemic, this creates consternation.

Here in the District of Columbia, the Mayor has closed the government, and all branches and other portions of the government have complied with her irrational decision to close government, limit access to government, impose physical gags of fiberglass masks and cloths on the People, stigmatize those of us who know better suspected lepers, deprecate access to the courts, order the People into house arrest, and deprive those of us who do not comply with those orders from access to public transportation, publicly accessible government buildings, and places of public accommodation as well. Even churches have complied with Bowser’s foolish rubber-stamp of the world wide globalist hatched orders. Hatched they are, because in actuality these uniform orders that are being proliferated in the same manner by many governments worldwide, are not of Bowser’s origination, but rather, have been carefully developed behind closed doors for years while the Government of the District of Columbia and other governments turn a blind eye to white-collar crime, death threats by technocrats, and the appeals of individuals, such as myself, for fair and equitable treatment in commerce, in credentials, and in humane treatment.

This mayor has even gone so far as to have her staff imply that I am a bully because I asked if a previous Director of the DC OHR, Monica Palacio, was a bona-fide citizen of the United States of America, a question I submitted via the Freedom of Information Act because I discovered that Palacio came from the District of BOGOTA COLUMBIA.

The Value of the Oath, A Statement Justifying Inquiry Into the Citizenship Identity of An Officer of the Public’s Trust. Digest # 2018 0417:

The United States defaced by a map of Columbia, South America defaced by an official DC Government portrait of Monica Palacio,  a previous Director of the DC Office of Human Rights

So now we see that this mayor, Muriel Bowser is a Bully. She closes down the government on behalf of this thing called the New World Order that is governed by people who are not citizens of the United States of America, not elected, and not consented to. She was brought into her career by the organization Early Money Is Like Yeast (EMILY) itself being subordinate to another organization, Planned Parenthood, itself subordinate to another group, the Eugenicists who are Racists who believe that it is a sin for Black People to exist, and that we should all die for our own good. This is the Garbage that Muriel Bowser serves. She does not serve the people who elect her.

Now this Economic Crashback aimed at destroying the United States of America using this bait and switch of deadlines of ‘closing down the economy to flatten the curve’ is itself instigated by the very cabal of people surrounding William Henry Gates who himself has contrived his own attempt-at-fuzzy-math equation contribution to the supposed-to-be intellectual world, albeit not one based on High Mathematical Calculations such as Einstein’s E = MC2, but instead is based on, at best, basic Pre-Algebra, untested of course, that:

CO2 = P x S x E x C

which he intends to have the calculated answer being ZERO; which means two things:

  1. Bill Gates wants CO2 levels on Planet Earth to be ZERO, and

  2. Bill Gates wants P for People to be ZERO.

So, its not like Bill Gates didn’t tell you over 14 years ago that he wants to kill you. But if you cannot see the death threat in that nonsense, then

  • continue the economic crash-back and get blamed for starving the Third World to death,
  • continue to wear fiberglass masks so that you can get COPD and die soon,

  • comply with the Will and Dictates of the New World Order, municipal mayors like Muriel Bowser who push the kill all the Black People Eugenics through One World Government agenda, and

  • continue to BE AFRAID, VERY AFRAID of Catching a Cold while you sit there in your little QM242 built wooden and stucco match-boxes called condom-in-you-ums, waiting for the necrophilic juice that Bill Gates wants to inseminate you with so you can become the petri-dish for nano-bots.

Stephanie Schriock, President of Emily’s List has more power over DC than Muriel Bowser does. Bowser aims to please Schriock’s organization which without their support, Bowser would not have been funded when she was young and endorsed to be mayor later.
EMILY means Early Money Is Like Yeast. You find them early, fund them early, and in return, they become patsies for you when they get where they are headed, like a mayors’ seat.

But whatever the case may be, right now I filed an administrative complaint, and even though I have very limited access to the government and the courts, and even the legislatures who have likewise bent over and stooped to this nonsense by fellaciating the likes of Bill Gates and cunnulingating the likes of Muriel Bowser, whereby we are lacking A Republican Form of Government that the Leaders of Government is Obligated to provide Citizens of the United States of America no matter what, right now, I filed a simple Human Rights Complaint and I expect it to to go through.

Whatever else may be said, the Government of the District of Columbia, which is controlling the access to communication and in that process, limiting such access to electronic mail for those of us who have been rendered address-less, and even ‘nons’ (such as non-attorney and non-essential) and thereby to be deemed obscure, cannot say that upon the conveyance of this Message and this second submission of the formal complaint, that I did not make a due-diligent attempt to empower Muriel Bowser and the DC OHR to address it and institute Administrative Redress, particularly without ‘preclusion’.

Verily yours,

/ s / Radcliffe Bancroft

